Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Where does the time go?

I attempted a two panel toon here...so I hope the layout makes some sense.....

I don't know where my Binky went and I get in trouble
Mommy doesn't know where a year went and she gets a Happy New one!

Monday, 30 December 2013


Here's a caricature of our dog. Zoe is fifteen years old and often doesn't act her age. Sometimes she overdoes and gets sore and stiff. The minute she feels better, she's full steam ahead again. We liked the name "Zoe" meaning "life" when we named her. We also thought about the little red haired girl from the comic strip Baby Blues. Our Zoe's name fits on both counts.

Sunday, 29 December 2013

Christmases Long Ago

Thank you, Santa! (this one goes back a ways)
The Elks Club in our little town brought Santa our way every year. He'd bring us a stocking laden with fresh fruit, nuts, and ribbon candy. We also got a smaller bag containing assorted chocolates. Those ones with the cherry flavored center were the best! You can see how treats from Santa made one little guy's face very happy.

Saturday, 28 December 2013

A Christmas Caption Contest

Last year, this picture appeared with a caption of my ideation. Your turn....Merry Christmas (yup until January sixth)~

Friday, 27 December 2013

Looked like a face to me

We had these towels hanging on the handles to cabinet doors and the way they draped suggested to me a moustache and beard. After looking at these for three or four days, I decided to add some features to see if the cabinet door did indeed have a face. You can judge for yourself.

Thursday, 26 December 2013


You might have seen the movie "Christmas Vacation" and know about the creature lurking in the Griswold family Christmas tree. Hope I didn't spoil the movie for you. Anyway, a year or so ago someone wanted a squirrel ornament for their tree so I tried a couple using polymer clay. Recently, we (meaning my multi- talented wife) photographed our copy of the squirrel ornament. In the spirit of twelve days of Christmas and Boxing Day:


Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Season's Bleatings (2013)

So the 2013 version is grumpier? Visually, I think less is more here. Maybe in five years I'll figure out how to draw sheep that are both fun and can be a bit harried at the same time.

Hope you have a wonderful holiday and that the New Year brings hope and peace your way. Thanks for reading and commenting.

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Time Warp Tuesday--Gridiron ambitions

Awaiting the NFL draft, sometime in the late 1960's
Either this photo was flipped during developing or I was a lefty back then. My oldest brother sent the football gear for Christmas. My ambition at the time was to play football despite our town not having a football club for kids (at least to my knowledge). The Heismann Trophy eluded me for several years, and it turned out I lacked athletic talent.  By the time I was in my early teens it was quite clear I'd need to consider other options for my life....but a kid can dream and that's fun in itself.

Monday, 23 December 2013

Maybe it's cold outside....where you are

Frankly, this "chillin' " ain't all it's cracked up to be
We've definitely been in winter mode. Wind chill is a given, the temps overnight are down right Arctic. Good thing there's lots of wool and flannel to chase away the cold.

Sunday, 22 December 2013

Unger Wannabe

There are two Herman books I regularly consult. One is located in the waiting room of the chiropractor's office (I spend a bit of time at that office). The other is at the barbershop (I don't get there as often). I am more than happy to wait at either place so I can peruse those comics.

I've mentioned that I like my new pen set including a soft brush and a brush. I've been trying to draw like Jim Unger does....turns out it's a lot tougher than one might think. I even dreamed about trying to to those wonderful hulking forms he used to draw...except I was trying to draw them on pottery....hmmmm

Saturday, 21 December 2013

Happy Solstice

Late sunrise, early sunset--might as well stay in my jammies
So today we have the least amount of daylight we'll have all year. Not good news for us sun junkies that we'll do without el sol. It takes a while to notice, but the days will lengthen again. Meanwhile there's vitamin D and COFFEE (maybe a bit of chocolate too).

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Man in need of a caption

The guy amuses me, but I have no clue what's on his mind. Do you? Supply a caption for this temporarily speechless mensch. Thank you.

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Wednesday's wonderings....

From what 'reindeer games' was Rudolph excluded?
 What games do reindeer play anyhow?

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

it was supposed to be a To-do list!

Some lists are partial. Some complete. Some barely begun. All have drawings on them! This list eventually was redone (lest you think I'm a TOTAL slacker).

Monday, 16 December 2013

Huh....didn't think it would work!

Bart's mug Circa December 2013
Recently I noticed on some test pieces little letters I had written near the bottom of pots using china marker. I glazed over the marks and they show up. So, I reasoned that maybe if I did a big drawing on a pot and glazed it might show. So...I grabbed one of the wonkier mugs I had thrown and bisque fired and dashed off a little doodle. I glazed the mug thinking the drawing wouldn't come out. It did!  Now I'm wondering if I can get away with drawing on other pots and glazing over them. Stay tuned...
Think I'll keep the mug.

Friday, 13 December 2013


Thirteen schmirteen....it's Friday!
I've often had very happy and auspicious things happen on Friday the thirteenth. Because I'm publishing this toon early in the day, I'll let you know tomorrow how it turns out.

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Hey. Guys

I like the 'soft brush' and the soft chisel in my new pack of drawing pens. The effect reminds me some of the fine work of Mr. Unger who drew "Herman". I love the expressiveness of his drawings and also that hulking presence of his characters. While these works hardly measure up to Mr. Unger's, I am at least reminded of him as I feel the ink flowing onto the paper and as I try different movements with hand and pen.

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

The Questions Matter

Years ago I was introduced to the writings of Rainer Rilke. The idea of loving and living the questions appeals to me. Even so, there are days one wishes for easy answers. This toon was an experiment with different line thicknesses, using one pen. My question now...how does one use various pens/brushes and still have an integrated look? Some of this week's toons are an exploration of that very question.

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

'sup, time?

Love my meal time!
I see that my experiments with a brush pen are bleeding through to the next page. Let's just PRETEND I intended some fancy artsy schmartzy effect, shall we?

Our dog is convalescing from a neck injury. She appears to be feeling much better and her appetite was NEVER affected. While she's on restricted activity, she has decided that a bit of kibble now and then assuages the boredom.

Monday, 9 December 2013

Smug Monday

My day off, so there!
This guy's schnozz was drawn so big that I couldn't crop away his neighbors (left). Maybe they are having the sketch book equivalent of a photo bomb?

Sunday, 8 December 2013

Nope, the ink didn't freeze

A partial page
It's cold enough for everything to freeze. Between projects and some reading, the pens have been scribbling away. We'll have some drawings that experiment with varying thicknesses of ink for value, shading, and line thickness...For now, hope you stay warm.

Saturday, 7 December 2013

Friday, 6 December 2013

Post Season

Bowl? Which Bowl?
The team I follow in NCAA has been a bit off from previous years, yet still has had a solid season. Speculation swirls about whether the coach will return next year and the destination for the bowl game is yet to be decided. All that speculation gives me a reason to look at the sports page in the morning:)

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Windswept faces and rosy cheeks

Run! Storm's a comin'!
Windy day...the paths I have shoveled have already blown closed! Haven't had the heart to check highway conditions, but will need to do that if I plan to get anywhere today. Sigh!

Wednesday, 4 December 2013


Gotta love that snow!
This picture was taken a while back (like about 45 years ago) when we lived in the South---that is south-eastern---part of--- Montana:)  Back in the day we got LOTS of snow, we say. I read that Billings got LOTS of snow this week, which might sort of a throwback to earlier times.

Do scientists still teach that water perpetually recycles and there is no "new" water ever? If that's true does that mean I shovel the SAME snow every winter? What of those one of a kind snow flakes? Aren't they just re-runs?  I'd like to think otherwise. Even as things morph, change, evolve, and recycle, it seems that something new happens every time.

I look out at the blanketed yard and sense the muting effect a snow fall has on the usual sounds of town and am thankful for the serenity that "old recycled snow" brings.

Monday, 2 December 2013

Monday...what shall I do?

Monday is my day off. Not much is open, so I don't go too many places except the chiropractor and the dentist! On the other hand, I do get time to make pots sometimes and to doodle. Can't be all bad.

Saturday, 30 November 2013

Nudge, nudge---I got a new sketchbook

New Sketchbook begun while on vacation
Pristine white pages of a brand new sketchbook fresh from the wrapper opens a world of possibilities. Borrow a fine point marker pen with a gliding smooth ink flow and you're in business! Nice to have some time to sit on the couch and just let the drawing and silly thoughts flow.

Friday, 29 November 2013


Making Faces is taking the day off. No shopping for us,though. We'll eat left-overs and I'll keep trying to catch up from being away for a week. Thanks for reading the blog!

Thursday, 28 November 2013

I know the number for a great pizza delivery joint...what do you say?
Happy Thanksgiving to our neighbours * ahem..neighbors....* due south of here!

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Remake-over, Over?

Extreme Make-over goes low budget
You remember those tv shows where ordinary people are "glammed up" to look like movie stars? Years ago I drew up my thoughts on the subject. Above is the "make over" I did this week. Below is the one from 2005.

Monday, 25 November 2013

A very lovely face

The birthday girl
This beautiful lady has a milestone birthday today. She's as youthful as ever and her husband the luckiest guy there is!

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Remake: Take Two

I'm Bob, and I'm addicted to Twelve Step Groups
This drawing is an update of a joke a scrawled out in 1992. I'm not sure the line is all that funny, but someone in Church History Class wrote under the original that the old Bartster is "one sick puppy".

Circa 1992
I'd say the drawing style has evolved. I dropped the nom de plume shortly after drawing this toon.

Friday, 22 November 2013

Gone Fishin'

Fish for Friday
I have several methods for making faces. These fish were thrown on the potter's wheel. Actually, they start out as little jars that get a make over. This school was done a couple of years ago. More recent work is waiting to be fired. The kiln vent I installed looks very neat and tidy. It doesn't seem to be venting, however, so we might have a wait before you see some 2013 fish and sundry faces from the clay.

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Remake: Take One

Let us raise our half empty glasses...
 You've heard of the Optimist Clubs. They do fine work and seem.....well optimistic. Maybe you haven't heard of the club across town; the Pessimist Club. They meet, but doubt it would do any good. Below is the 2007 edition of the same gag.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Keep on Truckin'?

circa 2008
Once in a while I play editorial cartoonist. This one goes back a few years, but I think things have stayed about the same or possibly our consumption is accelerating.

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Head em up.

Riding the range....actually,  just posin' pardner
The discerning viewer will note the brogues this psuedo-cowpuncher is wearing...not to mention cuffed chino pants. The hat was borrowed....the horse, mellow as can be stood quietly, while his owner held the reins and bribed 'Pal' with treats. Not all Montanans are cut out to be cowpokes, I reckon.

Monday, 18 November 2013

Make up!

You might ease up on the concealer, Fran
I saw a label for a cosmetic called concealer. Hmmm....I wondered just how far such a product could go. Maybe the Invisible Man would have something to say about my question......

Sunday, 17 November 2013

A church-y thought

Did you spot the "oops" here?

Our bishop says that structures are mean to help us do what we're  called to do and when we become servants of those structures, we have things backward. Leave it to a doodler to take such wisdom toward the absurd.....

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Just a sketch

Ha ha, look-it those LONG arms!
Those t-rex jokes never grow old! This little sketch might suggest who gets the last laugh.

Friday, 15 November 2013

His bleepin' honor...

And I promise to watch my *#%&-ing language from now on
One can imagine Toronto's mayor practicing those nascent oratorical skills as a youth. I believe the whole mayor-scandal thing is a conspiracy because comedians need material!  Notice the boy's fingers are crossed...yes a politician in the making.

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Hard Boiled Faces

These hard boiled eggs cracked. I thought an illustration would cheer them up.