Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Facing up

Huh...a twelfth of the way to a year of broken resolutions
I didn't get around to making any resolutions...officially. We're making travel plans. I want to try a new glaze recipe for pottery this year.I want to start working on techniques for caricatures.  If resolution is about a self improvement list, maybe mine would be nearly encyclopedic? Is there a statute of limitations on these things? If I come up with something "good" can I resolve after January?
To my defense, I did organize a bit in the pottery studio and went through college mementos and culled things a bit...Had I resolved to do that, I could have kept a resolution. Next year I resolve to be more foresighted....I'm already farsighted, so there.

1 comment:

Gary's third pottery blog said...

you and me both, getting rid of the 'mementos'... if we can :)