Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Making statements

Some call my style 'surrealism'-Actually it's astigmatism
This cartoon came while I was walking one day and thinking about learning to draw what we see. Then I wondered, what if we don't see well? The sincere response for me would be that while eyes might not always see clearly, the imagination can.

My glib response....well that's pictured in today's post. I'll also toss in a bit about artistic statements. I love to read them. Some are simple. Others very protracted and profound. Once in a while a statement seems more about ego and less about work. My provisional statement....I draw this way because I have yet to learn to draw that way.


Anonymous said...

Just yesterday I stopped in at the Library and had a discussion with the Librarian on what we all miss when we don't keep our eyes open. There's so much to see out there, too bad people miss alot (sometimes including me). Thanks for the Doodle Bart! Julie

smartcat said...

Like this one! I found you via Gary.

Gary's third pottery blog said...

on a sad note, for whatever reason, my eyesight gets a little worse every year, near and far...when I was 26 the eye doctor told me I had textbook perfect vision and when I hit my 40s something started to happen. I don't want to sound whiny, but it is hard to be an artist losing vision.

bartster said...

Gr...I remember the eye doc telling me to "enjoy (my)forties" because my distance vision had improved...what he didn't tell me in so many words is that farsightedness really hits when you're in your fifties. You're right about the sadness that comes with fading vision...decreased muscle strength and stamina. I am looking for those compensatory gains too!