Friday 4 April 2014

Faces fascinate

I think this guy looks a little like the brother from the movie "Uncle Buck" starring John Candy.  Sometimes, I just start drawing and improvise as I go; that's what happened with this face.   Other times,  I think I might be rudely staring at people in real life. I notice an interesting face that I think would be fun to draw and start planning how I'd go about it.

I'm inspired by the "Ink and Snow" Cartoonist Jamie Smith who says he takes a sketch book to eateries, bars, and coffee shops and sketches away. BTW he did some very interesting outdoor/nature drawings during a stint near Mt. Desert Island Maine a year or two ago.

As I start making more wheel thrown pottery, I am wanting to put mugs--er faces on some of the mugs. We'll see how it goes.

1 comment:

D R Clark said...

You know you like a blog when you worry what has happened when there isn't a post in a while.

You must be busy getting ready for Easter.