Saturday 8 December 2012

Aging Faces

 A few years ago a colleague had written a very funny story about the little hairs sprout from one's ears as one ages. Then such a thing happens to me. A bit of humor there....
    I notice the brows have thickened a bit too and yes, barbers offer to trim them for me on occasion. Of course I don't take the offer merely at face value....there's humor in them thar brows!
    Happy Saturday whether you spend part in the barber's chair or making holiday preparations.
First time a barber has used thinning shears---on my eyebrows!


Mom Belle said...

Yep, nobody wants to look like Andy Rooney :o)

Gary's third pottery blog said...

OHMYGOSH I was at the haircutter today and ZZZZZ there goes, with the wee clippers, into my ears!!!!!