Monday 5 November 2012

The Power of Now (sorry, Mr. Tolle)

A CBC news report featured an interview with a person who was part of a record breaking sky diving feat. The interviewee spoke of how exhilarating the experience is and how "in the moment" he feels when he's in free fall. Me? Not so much. My mind went to this guy who, like me, has to work pretty hard at remaining in the moment.


Gary's third pottery blog said...

hahaha, I wonder how many people are, like me, in church or meeting during solemn and quiet moments wondering about the stove....or lunch, or a snack or a book they are reading or..... awesome new blog bartster :)

bartster said...

My first visitor and good friend! Thanks for the support and encouragement. On paying attention: I remember hearing about an experiment years ago in which people in a lecture hall were supposed to note what they were thinking about when a cap gun went off at random intervals. The upshot was that our minds wander about every twelve seconds. So in the time it takes to read this note, you've probably been thinking of other things:)

Unknown said...

I love it!! I wonder every time I leave the house, if I've left something on!! LOL