Friday 9 November 2012

Doodling is on the Agenda

Doodling is on the agenda, the minutes, my copies of reports, scratch paper, class notes, dinner napkins.......
 For me, doodling during meetings helps me focus a bit. Otherwise I'm probably gawking around the room and not paying that close attention. Recently a person who has some oversight of me came to sit next to me during a meeting and said, "I like to sit nearby to see what you're drawing". It's great to have supportive and accepting people in one's life!
A little about Dougie here....I think Gary Larson might have done this joke already, but am not positive. We were walking our neighborhood and I saw a "beware of dog" sign and misread it as "beware of Doug". Actually the Dougs I know have all been good natured people...

1 comment:

Gary's third pottery blog said...

hahaha oh DOUG looks fierce!